Well we can say Titus is a ..well..kind of thinks for himself and he can see more than what other people can see. For example he thinks his friends are stupid and dumb from the things they do and what they say. In some ways he feels kind of different because in the beginning of the book he just wants to go to sleep and feels embarrassed of the things his friends are doing. In some ways he does not want to be a part of it. He is not a follower he likes to do things his own way and not let other people tell him what to do. For example in chapter..the others in
mal..he refuses to do what his friends were doing and instead just leaves the room. In terms of background Titus and his friends come from between middle and rich class. Well Marty is kind of like the jock ( he reminds me of the jock in breakfast club who is an athlete and is popular..also from many other movies...), he is good at everything and so annoying because he is good at everything and is an athlete. Link is described as "butt-ass ugly" and we also learn that he is the clone of Abe Lincoln and of course he is rich. He is very dumb on the things he does ..but the two girls
Calista and
Loga are always with Link...flurting..Calista well...we can say in many ways she is a bitch..she is very self-centered, and very out spoken ( in the categorize of jock, nerds ...she can fall in the popular mean girl type...a little different from the girl in the breakfast club ..she was more of a princess popular girl...).
Quendy on the other hand she is very much a follower and as stated on the novel she is "economy model" or in other words she wants to be like
Calista and so uses stuff..like clothes and other things stores offer her..to be just like
Calista. while
Loga is more of a quiet person and well use to date Titus. Violet in the other hand is very different from everyone. She can think for her self instead of the feeds telling her what to do and she is very intelligent. She is a thinker and is not dependent on the feed almost at all. Violet wants to be normal because she does not have all the things the feeds have to offer. She is not in the same crazy world Titus and his friends are that is so called "normal..". For example normal for Titus and his world is as stated in the novel " ..just normal stuff, like people walking and talking on their feeds..". People using the feed for almost everything, and buying things as stated in the novel that they didn't even know they needed. In the "normal"world they don't even have privacy and do not own their own thoughts because the feeds are ow
ned by the companies. Furthermore Violet is home-schooled unlike Titus and his friends go to school where they learn more about the feed and how to use it .
I think the author chose the names he did because it reflects their personality and the kinds of people there are in the society in the book and maybe even today. For example Violet is a color, and the name for a flower..so nature ..normal,..real..wich reflects Violet the one that is

viewed by the reader as "normal" in today's world. She can think for her self and the feed does not really influence her decisions. She has some similar personalities personalities like Violet from the book A Serious of Unfortunate Events. She is smart , an inventor, and thinks for herself. Violet the name of a flower which is nature or natural that is opposite of technology..man made. While Titus ties back to history, Titus historically speaking was an emperor and was an early christian convert that helped Paul in his missionary work. While Titus in the novel sees the world he is living in is "normal" but at the same time he is starting to see the world a little different since Violet came to his life, even though he does not agree to some things Violet says..like the talk about democracy and how the world they are living in is not democracy as Violet said.
The "lesions" are basically references to the skin problems that people have from using the feeds. But it is used as fashion to cover up what really is happening to the people that are using the feeds. So instead of doing something about it they cover it up through style, as stated in the novel .."The girl 's lesion was beautiful. It was like a necklace. A red
choker." It is red and it weeps as stated in the noble. Yes there are many things similar to this today. For example people say that plastic surgery is good so you can look young an beautiful..but that is not true at all, it is not true beauty...and well plastic surgery sometimes can go very bad and deadly people still do this stuff..and so people cover it up by saying it is worth and you look pretty and everyone will like you ( yeah sure...everyone will think that person is fake and plastic...). Another example would be people being
anorexic and dieing from it. Why?...because the entertainment world tells everyone that being skinny is in and everyone needs to be in a diet since nobody looks like the person in a magazine..(and nobody will because that is fantasy..). So instead of doing something about like changing their ideas of what the world is like , instead of saying how the world should be like..they still keep going on about skinny people and how that in someway is beautiful..which is very sad.
This is one of the webs that I found that demonstrates what beauty is...as an example
Also to see a video (since I cannot upload it ..) these is a good video that shows a "lesion" in todays world...